Leslie knope my poker face

Leslie Knope: Campaign Role Model July 06, 2012. Here at AAUW’s national office, a frequent topic of water-cooler conversation is how much we love NBC’s Parks and Recreation, particularly its female protagonist, Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler).We have watched Leslie grapple with local government bureaucracy in the Parks and Recreation Department of fictional Pawnee, Indiana, for years.

My project I will be sharing with you today is one near and dear to my heart as crafty couture is one of my favorite things to design. The LESLIE KNOPE WEDDING DRESS I crafted is bound to inspire any Knope fan to create this dress for the up coming holiday, Halloween. Supply List: How Leslie Knope, and Amy Poehler, changed their minds ... Days after the 2016 election, Amy Poehler wrote a letter to America as Leslie Knope, the indefatigable protagonist of “Parks and Recreation.” Back then, her letter was a condolence for the ... 32 Smokin' Hot Republicans | TV Guide S.E. Cupp is more than just a pretty face: She's a successful Republican commentator. Cupp is known for her work as a panelist on CNN's Crossfire , her book Losing Our Religion: The Lib… Hashtag #PawneeZoo na Twitteru

Drunk Leslie Knope, Our Hero - Hollywood.com

We suppose it would stunt the show’s creativity to demand that Amy Poehler be required to play Drunk Leslie Knope in every single episode, but wouldn’t it also be worth it? Loaded Leslie is ... 13 Instagram Captions For Galentine's Day That Are Genius ... 13 Instagram Captions For Galentine's Day That Are Genius Leslie Knope Quotes ... Courtesy of Parks and Rec's Leslie Knope, ... maybe I'm a little resentful of how much V-Day hogs the February ... KNOPE KNOPE KNOPE - Leslie Knope | Meme Generator

Leslie Knope For President - The Odyssey Online

"Poker face.". Visit. Discover ideas about Chris Traeger. Parks and Recreation Season 2 Episode The Pawnee Zoo. Chris Traeger Ben Wyatt Love Park Leslie Knope Poker Face Parks And Recreation Season 2 Leslie Knope, Ann Perkins Parks and Recreation Season Two Episode Telethon. Great episode "Let's Dia-beat-this! My Poker Face — Leslie Knope | Last.fm

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“My New Year’s resolution is to be more like Leslie Knope.” That popped up on my feed today as a “Facebook memory” that Facebook totally “cares about.” I wrote that particular update in the final days of 2013 and it took me a minute to remember what exactly I meant by it. I know who ... Be the leslie knope | Etsy You searched for: be the leslie knope! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what you’re looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of sellers can help you find unique and affordable options. 22 Quirky Quotes By Parks & Recreation’s Leslie Knope That ...

Pawnee Zoo/Trivia | Parks and Recreation Wiki | FANDOM ...

Cards Are Humorous | Ladies Against Humanity The look on your boyfriend's face when he said, "anal is no big deal," so you pulled out a strap-on. overstuffeddvr.com – Page 11

“What’s Galentine’s Day? It’s only the best day of the year.” Leslie Knope, deputy directory of the Pawnee, Indiana, Department of Parks and Recreation started a worldwide trend with Pawnee Zoo/Trivia | Parks and Recreation Wiki | FANDOM the next day at the office, Leslie is at her desk working on her computer singing "Poker Face" Tom says, "all morning" Ron asks if she had fun last night presided over by Leslie Knope, with the power vested in her "from the Department of Parks and Recreation" Tux and Flipper walk out of a miniature pink, rose and white wedding chapel, down ... Drunk Leslie Knope, Our Hero - Hollywood.com We suppose it would stunt the show’s creativity to demand that Amy Poehler be required to play Drunk Leslie Knope in every single episode, but wouldn’t it also be worth it? Loaded Leslie is